What is Direct Response Copywriting and Why it is Important

What is Direct-Response Copywriting
Image Credit: Pexels

Copywriting is one of the highest paid career online nowadays. Copywriting is written content conveyed through online media and print materials. Copy is content primarily used for the purpose of advertising or marketing. This type of written material is often used to persuade a person or group as well as to raise brand awareness. The ultimate goal of copy is to get the reader to take a particular action. The goal for a copywriter is to create remarkable content that the reader finds valuable and makes them want to take the recommended action. [ Src: Wikipedia - Copywriting ]

What Is Direct-Response Copywriting?

Direct-response copywriting is writing designed to elicit an immediate, emotional response from the reader. It’s purpose is to compel a “direct response” – what we would refer to as a conversion.
Unlike informative or educational copy, direct-response copy has only one purpose in mind: optimize the reader’s emotional state and then close the sale.

This usually looks like arousing an emotional response to a problem the reader is facing.
For example:

If you are attempting to sell skills assessment software to a business, you might be tempted to focus on how advanced the software is or how many unique features it has versus your competitors. As a business owner, this type of stuff is what you think about the most, and it’s easy to assume your customers will see things the way you see them.

In reality, your customers don’t care about your product. They care about solving their own problems and achieving their own goals. In this example, they care about finding talented people who will accelerate their company’s growth. They are scared of wasting time and money only to make a bad hire and lose more time and money.

When writing the copy, your job is to tap into that frustration, pain, and fear. You want to talk about how much money companies waste on bad hires. You wan’t to discuss how challenging it is to know whether a candidate will perform for you based on past experience. You want to tap into that fear and then offer your product as a solution.

With your assessment software, businesses can ensure they hire the right people. They can assess a candidate’s personality for team compatibility and assess the candidate’s skills for job competence. They can know EXACTLY what they are getting when they make a new hire and skip the nasty surprises that come from unexpected revelations.

Now you aren’t selling a product. You are selling a solution and you’ve painted a picture of life with that solution all of your prospect’s mind.

How should I learn copywriting?

 There are a lot of ways to learn copywriting. You don't need to be a college degree holder, a PHD to be a successful copywriter. Most of the top copywriter I knew was college student, college dropout and home based mom who wants have income while staying at home and doing their job as a mother. 

If you have time to invest to learn copywriting, I suggest learning at these two website that offers great tutorials for any course you want. From programming, search engine optimization, web design, web development and many more. 
  • Lynda.com
  • Udemy.com 

Now, if you don't have enough time to watch and learn those tutorials, you can still be a good copywriter for your business or for your client's business. Clickfunnels Funnel Script were composed of copy scripts that are already proven to convert and boost your business. With Funnel Script of Clickfunnels (by  Russell Brunson ), direct-response copywriting is made easy for you guys who wants to learn the art of copywriting and start a career out of it. I have found a cool and honest funnel script review - https://internetmarketingtoolsreview.net/funnel-scripts-review/ online by Andrea go read and learn more about it.

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What is Direct Response Copywriting and Why it is Important What is Direct Response Copywriting and Why it is Important Reviewed by Unknown on 10:38 PM Rating: 5

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